MAY surnamed DNA families Haplotype "I" This blog post has 23 pages The second largest Haplotype group in our MAY DNA project, is "I" This Haplotype, as the MAY "R1b" is also quite common in Europe. Specially on the Scandinavian and German areas. And in the east coast of both the Irish and British islands. Likely to the invasions from that side of Europe. In England is found frequently in areas that were under the Danelaw. The distribution of Haplotypes on May surname is as follows: I personally tested my DNA, with Family tree DNA ...and the results are from them. However, I also tested with Oxford Ancestors and Sorenson Genealogical Genetics. There I found a few more May surnamed DNA that I included. Besides the fact that some of the DNA markers are different There is no way to comunicate with them, however, if you visit smgf website, their results are linke...